Cafe Ha w/ Yasmeenah + erlaab
Cafe Ha w/ Yasmeenah + erlaab - Feb 19th 2025

Wednesday, February 19th, Cafe Ha welcomes Minneapolis @unb0theredddd Boss @yasmeenahxo onto the show live with a guest mix on hour 1 + some Q&A conversation beginning 7PM Pacific / 9PM Central on Resident host @erlaab with some words/thoughts - “I cannot recall where or when the first-of-times I heard Yasmeenah DJ. In Minneapolis surely where we both reside. What I do remember, what stuck out the first time & any times following were the drums. Her selection always hitting with that drum that makes me wanna ________ . Take your pick but for me that’s the thing. Drums, drums, goddamn drums. I’ll take the bass also, thank you very much, but really where are we without that drum? A beat, the pulse, a heart, from always and for forever essential. Trust we are so much better for it. I definitely am. I mean thank you for the drums Yasmeenah:)” Please do check out & follow more from the artist at her instagram profile & soundcloud account. U know what to do.